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  • Writer's pictureApurwa Masook

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention

It was the brisk month of December’16. The hostels were yet to reopen for next semester; nonetheless here we were, brought together by our shared ardour, amidst the biting cold of a typical Burla Winter. The Idea Innovation Cell led by Bodhi bhai had recently been instituted, and it was high time to envisage and act. We had been musing around the preposterous idea to be India’s first student rocketry pursuit, but were nonplussed about how and where to start. We had built a model in makeshift workspaces, performed a few tests in the hostel backyard, drafted our vision and mission, and were striving to raise a seed fund. The lack of support and resources was fairly dispiriting, although we had each other. It was rejuvenating to sit around afire at nighttide and brainstorm over a hot cup of kadak chai and snacks. That’s when I came up with an idea to approach the media for some prolegomenous PR. There was some event scheduled at Press club Sambalpur where I thought we would perhaps have a chance to spiel several journalists together and, not to mention, enjoy a good luncheon.

Through the soft air and revitalizing cold, we made our way to Press Club Sambalpur on the morning of 25th December. We met a few reporters and shared our ideas and notions. Although most of them were sceptical, there was one person who came in as a glimmer of hope. He was Mr. Ratan Pani, the regional bureau chief of a highly circulated English daily. He listened to us keenly and conveyed us about the illustrious legacy of UCE Burla alumni camaraderie. He looked beyond the project into the passion of our hearts, and enduringly pat me in the back. The gesture felt so reassuring and euphoric that I realized courage is apparently not some deep internal fortitude; we derive courage from the support we feel from others, from the robust relationships we foster. Obviously at that instance, I wasn’t aware it would be the first and last time we ever meet in-person. I regularly stayed in touch with Ratan dada over phone. Whenever I called him he would always accost me with such energy and zeal, that I would veritably doubt if I am younger than him. Lot of support came pouring in, as he would promptly publish our articles that in turn would constantly motivate us to navigate through gloomy times.

Fast forward to May 2018, Our Team had executed 3 launch missions and we were at Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO SAC), Ahmedabad pursuing a prestigious Summer Internship. On 22 May 2018, a news came as a bolt from the blue, Ratan Dada (52) had departed for heavenly abode following an unfortunate cardiac stroke. He was a valiant journalist, social reformer, dynamic changemaker and an epitome of optimism. The news of his untimely demise was terribly heart-wrenching. As per his last wish, his funeral rituals were performed conforming to Arya Samaj principles and his organs were donated to VIMSAR Burla for research & education. His Last words were “I have lived a satisfied life by personally helping people and reforming society in my own way. Remember Respect is not commanded but earned. Do not treat people the way you wouldn’t want to be treated yourself. Stay cool, respect elders and spread the message of love.” Ratan dada’s life forged an incessant impression on my soul that one must never undermine the impact small gestures can make. Even the softest of touches can bring about the biggest ripples of change in countless lives. There is an overwhelming interconnectedness between human behaviour and the systems of life. The Domino Effect is not merely a phenomenon that happens to us, but something we can create as well. It is within our power to spark a chain reaction of healthy transformation by adopting new behaviours and bestowing noble gestures.

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